Ronan the Accuser and Crystal Funny

Y'all it astounds me how much this fandom grossly mischaracterizes Ronan and sleeps on his relationship with Crystal like… have any of you read the comics??? Do you not know what an absolute love-struck doofus this man is?????

The War of Kings and Realm of Kings comic runs were are first REAL look at Ronan's character. Prior to he'd been mostly an antagonist figure who was slowly evolving into more of an anti-hero. But we hadn't spent any significant time getting to know him outside of the Annihilation run (and even there it was still limited). How he behaves with Crystal is a showing of who he genuinely is and how he naturally behaves. The Kree are in a very difficult spot in their history at this time, being unable to evolve, but despite this Ronan never has a short fuse with Crystal, never raises his voice at her, he's never once in his whole character run even REMOTELY angry with her of his own mind, even when Medusa pushes him to his limits. He never takes out any of his frustration on her, and is only ever respectful and understanding. Coming from all the previously known info about Ronan, painting him as nothing but this difficult, aggressive, blood-thirsty, conquest hungry, warlord, to THIS, a very caring individual capable of loving and loving purely, giving his 100% devotion to this one woman was very surprising to say the least.

I could get into all my thoughts about Ronan as a character as he's my end all be all single favorite fictional character and has been for the past… almost 6 years now~ but I'll save it and get into beginnings of his and Crystal's relationship!

I'm gonna start from the beginning of Realm of Kings, after the complicated war with the Shi'ar just so I can get to the meat of their budding romance and just how much of an absolute dork Ronan is (I'll touch on the preceding events in War of Kings and some stuff after Realm of Kings a little in this too but I'm gonna save most of it for a separate post!) For context, the Kree are now being ruled under the Inhuman Royal Family. Ronan and Crystal were arranged to be married as a political symbol of the two races' newfound unity and it was meant to be just that. Their relationship was a pretty slow burn that neither of them, or anyone, expected.


[ Above - Realm of Kings: Inhumans 01 ]
So from the get go Ronan is just,,PROTECC even tho at this point their relationship is SUPPOSED to be purely political he's still so sweet and polite with her just out of seemingly sheer natural instinct. This guy isn't used to relationships okay, he's literally only ever been in one other one his wholeass life and it didn't really go very well. He's very much just trying to do the chivalrist thing and doesn't demean her in any way, or at least he very much doesn't mean to, nor does he think she's incapable he's just naturally trying to be a gentleman.


[ Above - Realm of Kings: Inhumans 01 ]
Their growing relationship is very subtly hinted at in the early interactions between them, as they're both very polite with each other. Crystal's genuine kindness towards him REGULARLY catches Ronan very much off guard as he's just… not used to that kind of interaction with others?? He's so used to being approached with hostility or fear or an uncomfortable worship like respect that when someone is just.. genuinely nice to him he can hardly process it.

Crystal would visit him in the hospital after the Shi'ar attack on their wedding (where Ronan nearly died) and Ronan was probably so surprised to see her there like"I forced her to marry me so I could maintain some political status over the Kree which I already felt bad about, then our wedding was laid waste to by the Shi'ar but she came to visit me in the hospital??? Why would she do that, doesn't she hate me?????" But no she doesn't hate him, and not only does she visit him to keep him updated on how the Kree were fairing she'd go so far as to just take him outside for some fresh air and a break from staring at nothing but four hospital walls all day. She doesn't HAVE to be doing any of this, she doesn't HAVE to care about the Kree or him but she does, and Ronan is just unable to understand why because all he ever receives is hostility; the Kree abandoned, tried to wipe out, then tried to re-enslave the Inhumans, he was well aware she didn't want to marry him, and yet here she is- caring about all of the Kree, caring about him. Even the Kree people themselves have been shown to be quick to turn on him, despite his lifelong devotion to them; but SHE, despite having no reason to, is genuinely compassionate and caring with him so how could he not start falling for her just a little??

Alrighty so this is gonna be a LONG ONE so I'm putting the rest under a cut for the sake of your dashboard :'D


[ Above - Realm of Kings: Inhumans 02 ]
More big protective husband mode. I love that she keeps having to remind him that she's fine but his brain is just in constant "PROTECC WIFE MODE" he's a disaster. A total and utter disaster of a man. Also Crystal casually calling him "husband" kasjdfashf meanwhile he's not sure if it's okay for him to refer to her so casually (even tho it is you blue dumbass) so he just calls her either "my lady" or "Lady Crystal" respectfully or just by name. He called her "my wife" once before this in WoK but he was talking to Medusa as he said it and not addressing Crys directly.


[ Above - Realm of Kings: Inhumans 02 ]
By far one of my favorite single comic panels in existence. STILL BEFORE THEY ACTUALLY REALIZE AND GIVE IN TO THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER, he get 1(one) kis for checking in on her after they run into Pietro (who is an absolute garbage man btw I could talk about him too). Look at his face. He is on cloud nine right now, he could die happy right here. He got kis and frankly he deserves u3u (I'll talk more about this panel later!)


[ Above - Realm of Kings: Inhumans 03 ] (sorry if this is a little hard to read)
Look at him confess to her at how genuinely impressed he is with her. Not because of how she treats him, he's of course leaving his personal gratitude out because he's already been told their relationship is supposed to be political, but because of how she's gained respect from the Kree people- more so than her family has! Because why? Because Crystal has shown actually cares, wow! The Kree aren't exactly what one would call "popular" among other races in the cosmos, and they don't particularly care, so Crys giving a genuine care about them (especially given the Inhuman's personal relationship with the Kree) is astounding. The fact that she has any room in her heart for them and assumes her responsibility over them maturely and with and honest desire to do right by them~ Ronan is so grateful, especially given that she's pretty much the only one aside from himself advocating for the well being of the Kree to Blackbolt and Medusa.


[ Above - Realm of Kings: Inhumans 03 ]
Another of my favorite Ronan moments because.. just…. GOD! It's Zarek's insult to his patriotism that sets him off because he's been through plenty of that before, but you DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT INSULT HIS WIFE! It's the insult to HER that enrages him. Let's face it, if Crystal hand't asked him not to, Ronan would have ceased this man's whole existence in an instant.


[ Above - Realm of Kings: Inhumans 03 ]
But of course, she still appreciates the sentiment! Also Ronan's deadpan "Just about" makes me wheeze aloud ever time. He wanted to eviscerate this dude for insulting her but didn't because wife asked him not to. He's so fucking mad tho look at him akjsdhfa wife please let me destroy this man in your honor


[ Above - Realm of Kings: Inhumans 03 ]
And then he goes and lets his feelings slip! Which she's actually kind of amused by, as she's been picking up on his affections for a little while now (he's been totally subtle about it /s). But her last marriage didn't end well at all so no doubt she was probably withholding to see just what kind of man Ronan is (spoiler alert: he's a grade-A husband turns out and a really genuine guy when you get to know him. Or should I say when he lets you get to know him lol!). He also very subtly calls her 'fine' here which, I mean.. she is let's be real.


[ Above - Realm of Kings: Inhumans 03 ] (again, sorry this is hard to read! tumblr really didn't want to work with me on these pics akjsdh)
Probably one of my top two favorite Ronan and Crystal moments. She calls him out on calling her "beloved" and this ABSOLUTE DUMBASS first tries to play it off like he has no idea what she's talking about then is just like"oh uh…. well I mean… it was… the heat of the moment……" Excellent cover, my good sir, no one suspects a thing. But of course Crystal isn't gonna let him get away with that so easily. And in a moment of pure bad bitch energy she THREATENS TO KISS HIM if he keeps it up. And he's just AGHAST, SCANDALIZED, HOWEVER COULD SHE HAVE FIGURED OUT HIS FEELINGS FOR HER??? HE WAS SO SUBTLE, SO RIGID IN HIS COMMITMENT TO KEEPING THINGS PURELY POLITICAL. SHE MUST BE SOME SORT OF PSYCHIC! (insert metal gear solid exclamation point sound effect on Ronan's face in the last panel someone help this man)

Crystal: "You said you liked me."

Ronan, the pinnacle of Kree dignity: "………. No I didn't.."


[ Above - Realm of Kings: Inhumans 04 ]
Crystal is nothing if not a lady of her word and it doesn't take her long to cash in on that threat~ When Maximus mind controls Ronan and tries to force him to kill himself (Bioshock 2 style) Crys figures this is the perfect way to snap him out of it, and she was very correct. Ronan's face I just sob lol, he's always so lost for words when flustered bless this adorable soft man. He's not used to kisses. (Also Crys putting a hand on his chest is my favorite thing, and just wait until they start holding hands)

And from this moment on these two are pretty much all in on this relationship. No more hiding, no more denying their feelings for the sake of politics. There's of course a lot more in War of Kings about the very beginnings of their character dynamic and their arranged marriage but I'll get to that in a separate post (if you made it this far I appreciate you so much and apologize profusely)!

What I've always loved about their relationship and why it's my all time favorite is just how pure and genuine it is, and how much they benefited each other and how much they grew as individuals through each other. Ronan from the beginning felt bad about their arranged marriage, he didn't do it for any other reason than needing to maintain a seat of authority when handing over leadership of the Kree to the Inhumans in the hopes the Inhumans would help them with their stagnant evolution. He never tried to solicit anything from Crystal, and maintained a respectful space, never overstepping any boundary unless SHE invited him to do so, but always offering himself should she need. The relationship only ever moved at the pace she wanted. Ronan valued her input and views and demanded nothing but respect for her from others (I mean look at what happened to Zarek when he called Crystal a "pink-fleshed lab animal").


[ Above - Realm of Kings: Inhumans 02 ] (spliced this page for the sake of posting)
Jumping back in the timeline a little bit, this particular moment is one I find very important. Crystal defending Ronan in front of her ex-husband Quicksilver (who sucks) while also subtly hinting at her own growing affections for him. She says that Ronan is actually "rather sweet", so his constant protectiveness is clearly something she takes no offense to. Not only that, but when Quicksilver asks if Ronan makes "her feel the same way he used to", Crystal ADAMANTLY says that Ronan does not and the's grateful that he doesn't. She told him that she doesn't need to justify anything to him yet she makes a point to be very clear that Ronan has shown himself to be better of a husband than Quicksilver was. Remember, Crystal and Quicksilver's marriage didn't end well (I've personally never liked how lightly Marvel has taken it and how things seem to smooth over rather unrealistically. The things Quicksilver did should be unforgivable.) so not only is Crystal going to let Quicksilver show up and interrogate her on her new marriage, she's definitely not going to let him down-talk her new husband, who frankly, she's surprisingly happy with and who's treated her better and valued her more than Pietro ever did. Also to clarify, this is the conversation where Ronan comes in and checks on Crystal afterwards, asking if she's alright and insisting he's not trying to pry (and getting that kiss on the cheek from her); he doesn't butt in on the conversation at any point and gives them space. I don't think he's aware of their previous marital status, that subject might be a bit too heavy for Crystal to share with him so early on, but he clearly senses the tension and makes a point to ask Crystal if she's okay when he's able. I think Crystal saying aloud what it is about Ronan that sets him apart from Quicksilver, and how he's turned out to actually be a really good husband is what maybe flipped that final small switch in her, like hearing it out loud made her think "huh he really has been nothing like I expected, maybe he is someone I can be happy with~" thus prompting the kiss on the cheek even tho she hasn't yet confronted him about his feelings or made her own clear to him. She's just very grateful to him, of how kind he's been, how he's listened to and valued what she has to say more than Quicksilver or her own family seems to, and of course she's just endeared to his surprising gentle and sweet nature.

It's a real shame that Marvel erased all of this in the MCU, Ronan has shown a few minor hints of what could be a personality similar to this in the movies but we all know that didn't last long. Ronan's a surprisingly deep character, and a rather sad one when you look at his history, it's just a lot more subtle than a lot of the big name Marvel characters. Crystal was probably the first truly good thing to have ever happened to him, and aside from her daughter of course, he was probably the same for her as well. The writing of their relationship is my absolute favorite due to how mature and subtle it was. Ronan never tried to win her over so that their marriage would seem more like a desirable thing to her like you'd expect characters in a situation like this to do. He gave her space and respected her boundaries and was just genuine and kind (something we didn't know he was capable of up until this point), and in doing so she just naturally gravitated towards him. They were both always mature, no petty relationship drama like jealousy or miscommunication like so many couples in fiction are written for the sake of making things interesting (which they never do in my opinion, it's just annoying) and then is dragged out unnecessarily. None of that cliche "they could easily sort things out if they just talk to each other!" or "person A is jealous of person B just talking to their ex even though there is no reason for them to be". Crystal and Ronan are both too old and have been through too much to deal with petty nonsense like that. They see each other for their true and genuine selves and love each other for them and that's all that matters. Like I said, Ronan was willing to defy the whole of the Kree empire, the empire he's given his life to, for her without a shred of hesitation; and when the Inhumans decided to leave Hala and return to earth, Crystal chose to stay with Ronan (all moments I'll talk about in a separate post at some point!)

There's so much more I could say about just these early stages within Realm of Kings alone but there's even more within War of Kings and following comics like Fantastic Four and others I want to touch on in another post as alas I don't have the room for all the images I want to share :'D

But thank you for reading this far if you did! These two are so special to me and I could talk about them endlessly ;;


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